Cobblestone Farmers Market

So excited as my local farmers market in downtown Winston Salem NC has just started back up again on the corner of Patterson and third street on Tuesday mornings. It features a good selection of seasonal produce, organic grass fed meats and fresh breads. You can also find soaps and other homemade items.  Its fun to chat with the farmers get tips and learn about the growing process. So come along I will show you around also don't forget if you have farmers market pictures be sure to share on twitter each Tuesday and tag #tuesfoodmarket I also have a pinterest board and would be happy to add you as a contributor. Or share on the chow and chatter facebook wall :-)

eggplant plants, I got one to add to my garden :-) 

Grandma and Granddad with the kids 

me and the kids at the library just before going :-) 

Fresh bread 

cauliflower greens love this as often these are discarded but they are edible and nutritious 

pretty Swiss chard 

there was even a baby pig for kids to pet :-) 

Bok Choi 

baby radish and herbs 

Granddad giving Roshan banana bread, looks like it enjoyed it :-) 

Pretty peonies 

The best thing about the market is it just gets better, as more and more fresh produce comes into season. 

Hope you can join me on Tuesday's around the world, if you don't tweet you can share on chow and chatter's facebook wall too:-) 

Have a lovely weekend 

Much love 


  1. Love it Rebecca! :)

  2. Just loving tasting the season!

  3. Believe it or not, even in our little mountain town we have a great farmer's market on the square on Saturdays. An organic farm brings in produce and we never fail to show up in time for something delicious and very fresh.

    Kids are looking great Rebecca. Glad they enjoy going with you. Funny, on our way home from the farmer's market, we always stop at the library and check out something to read for the weekend.

    1. yours sounds great and funny we both went to the library

  4. You are so lucky your market has opened up; it will be a couple of months for us.Love the photos of your little darlings.

  5. So lovely! Simon has been so excited for the Farmer's Market to start again. He remembers the fresh flowers we would get there last year and keeps complaining that our table doesn't look pretty without them.

  6. What a great day at the market! I love going to the Farmer's market even if I don't need to buy anything (I do end up purchasing a few herbs). It's always fun!

  7. oh how i wish we had farmers markets here.
    lucky you
    i sure do miss the big ones in cali
    have a great weekend!

  8. I love my town's farmer market....I can't wait to go this year. Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  9. I love shopping at the local markets. I enjoy speaking with the farmer, especially my friend the egg man. He happily takes me used egg containers and fills them up and then tells me when the eggs were laid. If I nudge him and say I'm going home to make breakfast he'll give me eggs that were laid yesterday. I don't get that at the supermarket!

  10. Looks great! I went to a farmer's market today too. I loaded up on some good stuff, including mushrooms (which are amazing in Japan!). I am looking forward to my upcoming trips because I will be visiting as many markets as I can in the various countries I visit, so I'll share those pics with you (and on my blog of course). Most of my time will be spent in Israel, France and Spain, but I have a few surprise locations up my sleeve.

  11. What a lovely market indeed! :)
    Thanks for sharing ythe lovely produce & these lovely pictures too! :)
    Have a great week ahead! ;)

  12. What a lovely market! I could spend hours there!!!

  13. I can't wait for our farmer's markets to open! We're getting close. Cute photos of the family, Rebecca :)

  14. Farmers markets are the nice it's spring and most of them will start to open.

  15. I love our farmers market and go to this every saturday morning for my supply of fresh fruit and veg! It's just down the road from me as well which is perfect :)

    1. hope you can join in the tues food market fun then

  16. Looks like a great market! I always forget to bring a camera and photograph the goodies when I get home. Will try to remember :)

  17. This market looks so nice! I wish I had something like it near me:)

  18. We do love the farmers markets. We have been stopping at our Amish market a lot lately because it is closer and open during the week. A great place to get local eggs, cheese, and produce.

    I love seeing updates on your kids, they are growing so fast! :)

  19. Farmers Market opened last weekend here as well. Hooray for fresh local produce!
    love the piglet!

    1. Roxana isn't it the best hope you can join in for Tues food market

  20. Love Cobblestone Farmer's Market. We were farmers there for the past two years selling our goat's milk soap and will miss partipating this year. In December, 2011, we opened a Farm Store on our farm in Forsyth County. We now sell eggs, grass-fed beef, pasture raised lamb and free range chicken from our animals along with local products from neighboring farms and our soap. We have lots of goat items too. Our creamery is in its finishing stage and we hope to be making aged goat cheese by the end of the year - - and we're on FB too!

    1. Robin oh wow very cool congrats on the store will like your page on facebook for sure

  21. I love the picture of you with the kids in the library! I always love bread from farmer's market. :-) Sounds like you had a nice day!

  22. i've been loving bok choy and swiss chard lately too! and peonies! they are my favorite flowers!

  23. Junia :-) this market was for you then :-)


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