Visit to Nebraska

We have been in Nebraska the last few days, visiting my brother and sister in law here and I had the pleasure of speaking at The Nebraska State Dietitians meeting on social meeting. I had the best time, the opportunity came from meeting @RDAmber on twitter and it was a Joy to meet her in person, instant friends. My Dad came along for the ride to Nebraska city and watched too funny. The audience seemed to like it :-) 

Of course we had good food, here is a nice chicken kebab in a Persian restaurant 

We visited a lovely old market area and I found a cool tea shop called Tea Smith 
345 N 78th Street, Omaha, NE - (402) 393-7070

I got Jasmine a cute tea cup puzzle made out of wood

some of the shops instead the old market, definitely an area of Omaha worth the visit 

An apple orchard in Nebraska City the town where I spoke, also the home of The Arbor Day Foundation the place where planting a tree to save the earth started, very cool. Did you know there are about 170 varieties of apple trees but we only eat about 6 types, this farm strives to preserve Antique varieties in a special orchard. 

Outside Lied Lodge the place of the conference 

It's good to see family and let the kids get to know their family in the US with my parents. 
Have a wonderful start to the week everyone 



  1. I Love your photos; sounded like a fun time. Congratulations!

  2. It sounds like you had a good time! How fun to be able to spend time with your dad.

  3. What a terrific ambassador you are for our profession-HUGE kudos! the blue sippy cup in your chicken kebob pic, so real ;)

  4. Sounds like a wonderful and successful visit for you, Rebecca! I hope you didn't get caught in any of those horrible storms I read about!

  5. thanks Gloria, your kind, Sandi he he our sons, Susan we seemed to have missed the worst thankfully thanks for asking

  6. What a fantastic opportunity to give others an insight into the world of social media and from a leader in the field such as yourself would have been amazing.

  7. Looks like a lovely trip :) And I do like to try out new teas.

  8. Hi Rebecca, What a lovely trip you've had! The pics are charming too.

  9. It's always fun to get out and go to new places and see old friends and family. What a delightful trip! Hope you stayed safely away from the storms.

  10. It sounds wonderful,Rebecca!!!Have fun!

  11. I bet you did a great job on your talk. I was thinking about you and also the questionable weather... Congrats!

    1. thanks Nadine honored to know and work with you your a lovely person

  12. How fun Rebecca...and congratulations on your talk :)
    Enjoy the pictures as well.
    Thanks for this great post and hope you have a safe trip back home.

  13. Sounds like a great trip, and I'm sure you were a fabulous speaker :-). I've never been to Nebraska before, but I've heard it's a great city. That tea shop looks like a lot of fun!

  14. What a great & good opportunity for you! Yeah!

    Thanks for this lovely post, dear Rebecca! :)


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