Strawberry, Rocket and Cucumber Salad

This is a super little salad, inspired by the idea to combine strawberries with cucumber in The Telegraph, another great British newspaper with a great Food Section.  I made a simply salad with the strawberry, cucumber and home grown arugula/rocket in the UK. 

for a small plate
  • a handful of rocket/arugula I got it fresh from my garden
  • 1/4 of small cucumber chopped
  • about 4 strawberries sliced
  • 5 slices of avocado
  • a dash of balsamic oil 
  • dash of olive oil
  • a sprinkling of feta cheese

  1. simply combine the ingredients and drizzle with oil and vinegar
  2. sprinkle with feta and 
  3. enjoy :)

and a week today I fly home :-)

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  1. Now, this is a very inspirational seasonal salad! I am so going to make this this afternoon! Have all of the ingredients in the house!
    Yummmmmmmmm,...! :)

  2. Yay!!! A visit to home! I am sure there are so many fun activities waiting for you. Have you planned it all? Of course you have, who am I talking to? :)
    Have a great trip!

    I had no idea arugula was also called rocket.

  3. What a perfect little salad!and how much tastier since you have your home grown rocket/arugula.

  4. I cannot wait until I pick arugula from my garden. This is so welcoming and fresh! I know about getting antsy for a trip - so exciting.

    1. smiles and you know its busy getting ready to go too

  5. I love how arugala is called Rocket in Europe. I remember the first time I had it was in a yummy salad in Switzerland where my husband proposed. Love the strawberry and feta additions. Definitely going to try this out!

  6. Love the simplicity of this salad, especially with strawberry in it.
    Hope you are having a great week Rebecca :)

  7. What a perfect salad for the summer months!

  8. What a fun salad! I love adding fruits to salads, so tasty!

  9. I love arugula salads but I've never had one with fruit before. I can't wait to try this!

  10. it really is easy and looks delicious, arugula is great and the combination works perfectly

  11. Really really love this. the sweetness of the strawberries and the balsamic vinegar contrasting with the saltiness of the feta cheese with the added crunchiness of the fresh eg. Really delicious!

  12. I love cucumbers and strawberries together, but it never occurred to me to add arugula. What a terrific idea Rebecca.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  13. I came back to say that I pinned this to my Healthy & Delicious Board. Will definitely give this a try.

  14. thanks so much and thanks for the happy mothers day wish kind of you

  15. Love the rocket salad, I saw this recipe too and thought about giving it a go, now I definitely will. I'm really enjoying your blog and all your ideas for healthy eating!

  16. free range girl thanks so much appreciate your visit on my way to yours

  17. I only recently discovered rocket (I know, where have I been?!), but I really like the kick -- and I think it would pair nicely with the sweetness of strawberries! I can't wait to try this recipe. :)

  18. A wonderful spring salad Rebecca! Happy Mother's day and have a wonderful trip back home!

  19. Dear Rebecca, This looks fresh and delicious. It is perfect for the warmer weather that is on its way.
    Have a beautiful weekend. Blessings, Catherine

  20. Wonderful salad...I love strawberries! Happy Mother's Day, Rebecca!

  21. Amazing salad, I love it. Thanks for it, I'll enjoy it.

  22. thanks Laura and thanks for stopping by

  23. I've made a salad much like this, Rebecca. Never used avocado though. (Love the way you British call arugula Rocket!)

  24. yep had to use that in the post he he

  25. Delicious spring salad. Yum!

  26. I remember the days when you would never have dared combine fruit and greens in the same bowl. I'm so glad those days are gone. I love this combination with strawberries.

    1. yep I only really learnt this cool combo after moving to the States


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