Cherry and White Balsamic Salad

This is a delightful salad, inspired by a great article in The Washington Post about Cherries and it paired with my wee jar of white balsamic vinegar I got in Italy perfectly. I got the vinegar in a cute little artisan food store next to Lake Garda, the owner was eager to educate me on the aged Modena vinegars and hoped I would buy but at 150 Euros not this time, although it is a divine and artisan product for sure. 

He did mention that a great everyday vinegar for salads, was the white balsamic made from white grapes and what a lovely one it is. Funny I was on twitter the other day and and @EviesGran remarked that my salad of watermelon and cucumber I tweeted must be American as in the UK we don't add fruit. I have lived in the US now 8 years and love how American's use fruit in salad but I must say it is catching on across the pond as I recently saw a strawberry salad in The Guardian. Do you like to add fruit to your salad?


per plate
  • handful of sweet cherries, pitted
  • a handful of salad greens
  • a dash of olive oil
  • a dash of white balsamic 

  1. simple assemble this simple and seasonal salad and enjoy :-)

Its so much fun to bring food items back from a trip as it allows us to relive wonderful memories through food. 

what creative cherry recipes do you have up your sleeve? 

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  1. looks delish! 150 euros for vinegar!!!! Is he crazy?? I will look for white balsamic now -- bet it's a neat flavor twist from the dark. I always add fruit to my salads -- I try mixing textures and flavors of foods all the time -- blueberries with walnuts, peaches with almonds, pomegranate with pumpkin seeds -- for interest and taste, for sure, but to also 'dilute' the caloric value of the calorically dense nuts and seeds.

  2. I don't feel as bad dreaming about a Dior wallet, now that I know balsamic vinegar goes for top price too :) Have never tried cherries this way, sounds so simple & very yum!

    1. :-) he he go on dream maybe it will come true :-)

  3. I love simple recipes with no exact measurements.

  4. Lovely simple salad, and how fun to use the vinegar you brought back from Italy! I've been seeing your fun Facebook cherry posts all day-now I know what they're all about :-)

    1. he he yep I have a habit of getting into certain foods, next up is rhubarb

  5. Mmmm simple and tasty, my kind of salad. Diane

  6. Absolutely I do add fruit to my salad. I serve fruit with lots of things including fish. I had a hard time convincing my gourmet BIL about fruit salsas with fish, but now he's a convert.

    Love your salad with the cherries Rebecca. Great way to use a seasonal fruit.

    1. oh salsa and fish love it so so good and your cooking is first class

  7. Simple and delicious!

  8. I love fruit is salad...but must confess that never had it with cherries...and it sure looks great.
    Hope you are enjoying your week Rebecca :)

  9. Beautiful salad. I love balsamic vinegar. I hardly add fruits to my salad. I will try that next time.

    1. Mary I guess the American ways have rubbed of on me :-)

  10. sounds like a great salad! i think i'd like to try making homemade cherry ice cream this summer. :)

  11. I just bought a delicious bottle of white balsamic. i know it must be great dressing this salad!

  12. Cherries look so red and ripe! I made pear and apple salad once and it went well with the family. I do order strawberry chicken salad with poppyseed dressing at Panera a lot. :)
    150 euros..Wow! I would be afraid to use it up if I spend that money on vinegar.

  13. I'm like you, I LOVE bringing food/condiments back from vacations. I saw some white balsamic in an Italian market a while ago...this confirms it, I'll buy it next time I'm there as this looks lovely! Have a great Friday Rebecca!!

  14. welllllll....I just so happen to have a cherry and almond ice cream posted right now, LOL! I love your salad idea, the simplicity of it sounds really wonderful:-) Hugs, Terra

  15. I love fruit in salads. I use cherries, spinach, blue cheese and walnuts for a favorite salad here.

    Your salad looks delicious!

  16. MMMMMMMM,..What a great & elegant dish!
    I love cherries but they are still abit overpriced here in Belgium!

  17. Summer is the perfect time to add fruit to salads. I adore adding strawberries. I've always been curious about the flavor of white vinegar. It's high time that I pick up a jar.

    1. you will love it and strawberries are so good right now :-)

  18. what a creative salad- I love this idea of adding cherries!

  19. I have company coming for dinner tonight. This salad will go perfectly with our grilled chicken.


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