Chicken Sausage and Vegetable Stir Fry

This is a simple and healthy meal I often make, using chicken sausages and mixed seasonal vegetables we eat this either with pasta or polenta.

  • one pack of chicken sausages 
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped
  • one tomato diced
  • 3 cloves of garlic 
  • a handful of frozen peas
  • 2 carrots sliced
  • one head of broccoli chopped 
  • 10 cherry tomatoes chopped 
  • 1/4 a red pepper sliced
  • 1/2  teaspoon of Italian herbs
  • one cup of pasta cooked til al dente

  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil for 3 min
  2. add all the vegetables and tomatoes and continue to cook for 15 min on medium high with a lid
  3. just as vegetables are cooked add chopped sausage 
  4. serve and enjoy 

Jasmine rode the pre school bus to Sci Works science museum today, her first school trip :-), I still can't believe she will be 4 in August! me and Roshan followed and he got to play too, its a fun museum with science exhibits, play area and farm animals.

and had to share this our adorable kids playing on the deck, such a gift.

Have a fun weekend everyone 


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  1. looks like a fun day!
    i could sure use a mini pool as our weather is about to heat up to 90. :)

  2. This sounds delicious I love polena too!

    1. its great as a change from mash potato or pasta :-)

  3. I like it! Especially with polenta.


  4. I agree with Velva, especially with the polenta. Looks like the kids are having a good time in the pool.

    1. that wee pool was one of the best things my mum has ever got them he he

  5. I love easy yet well flavoured sausages & pasta dishes like this tasty one!
    Great pics of your playing kids!

  6. I love chicken sausage. I've been meaning to make it in a stir fry or pasta for some time!

  7. The chicken sausage looks delicious, kind of dish I'd love the second day, too!
    Your kids are adorable! Museum are always a fun and memorable trip!

  8. Four already - how time flies. Your chicken sausage sounds delicious and healthy Rebecca.

    Happy Father's day to your hubby. I'm so pleased we got to meet you and your lovely family this year.

  9. This is a quick and delicious meal that I would love too.

  10. love this for a quick and yummy meal - healthy and yet so full of flavor!

  11. Such happy photos and your boy is growing so fast! I love pairing sausage wit creamy polenta .. one of my fav :)

  12. I love that stir fried vegetables, Jasmine is really cute , how old he. Looks both are having fun.

  13. Sounds like a great family dish and so tasty. I can't believe Jasmine will be 4 either! What a big girl on her pre-school trip :)

  14. Your lumpies put a big smile on my face! Precious children :) And a great recipe! Easy and delicious

  15. Sounds really healthy and very tasty. the sausages definetely add extra flavour. Love the pics. They look so happy!

    1. their smiles make my day and all the tiredness melt away

  16. Love easy pasta dishes like this one! Fun field trip~Now I'm trying to remember my kids first field trips...I think they both went to the pumpkin patch in kindergarten :-)

  17. What a great trip and a fantastic dish! Love the seasonal veggies.

  18. That looks delicious! great weeknight dinner! Your kids are so cute,Rebecca! My boys are 6 years and 15 months old...They have so much fun together! Love the pool picture!


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