Food market in Bolzano, Italy

On our amazing road drive up through the Dolomites we made a stop at Bolzano in northern Italy. I highly recommend a visit it's a town with rich history and cultural heritage. Up until world war one this part of Italy was Austrian and it really is a city of two cuisines and it's reflected in the market. I was also impressed by the town planning you come of the highway and park in a well signed underground parking garage and have a short walk into the stunning town center.

Beautiful Austrian style architecture and the church with the tiled roof is stunning.

German breads

Seasonal vegetables


Lovely beans

Nice packets of herb mixes these were Italian

Got to love the police cars here

This town is town is not just about food it also has an amazing amount of shops. I remember having Roshan in baby carrier and trying to try on shoes it didn't work well ! The girl in the shop even offered to help me re tie my laces !

Amazing fountain as this area is famous for natural springs folks would fill up their drinking water

Salami and cheeses

Wonderful rhubarb

Dried fruits

Love these flowers

Don't you just adore food markets :-) which one have you visited lately

Be sure to join in on Tuesday for #tuesfoodmarket, tag your market finds with this hash tag on twitter to connect with food market fans from around the globe


  1. I see I've missed a few posts on my little blogging break :) Your zucchini blossoms, roasted fish and drive through the Dolomites all look wonderful and beautiful.

    Food and farmers' markets are the best!

  2. Rebecca I would shop at nothing but markets if I could. I love talking to people who produce or create the food. I learn so much. This looks like a great market.

    1. it is something I now look for when visiting a place he he

  3. I lovr food markets and this is soo beauty!

    1. thanks look forward to seeing your local one hint hint

  4. Love the photo of the beans! I always love visiting the food markets when I travel, but, the most amazing markets I have ever been to have to be in Hong Kong-I'd love to take my kids there one day!

  5. I could spend all day in European markets. So much to see. Thanks for taking us along. I can't imagine trying on shoes and holding a baby at the same time. Wow. That would take more coordination than I have (smile).

  6. What a wonderful trip, what I would give to shop those markets! :)

  7. I enjoyed this tour so much that I've featured it on my News of the Day today. Thank you for providing such a lovely armchair travel opportunity.

  8. I am so envious of your travels!

  9. Rebecca, the food market are the most entertaining much to see and explore...thanks for sharing all these pictures.
    Enjoy your trip my dear :) and look forward to more pictures!

  10. What a nice stroll! I bet you had a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear more in detail soon :)

  11. This just makes me yearn. Love the idea of trying on shoes with a baby in tow - oh my! Sweet adventures. Your smiling photo at the end says it all.

  12. Take a look at that rhubarb, wow! Have enjoyed your pics & reading about your travels :)

  13. You made me feel so nostalgic. The last food market I visited was in Modena but wish I had gone here too. Looks like an amazing place. One of things that has always appealed to me about the north of Italy was the mixture of Austrian/Italian cultures with a German influence.
    You do look so happy in all the pics. So glad you had such an amazing experience and thank you for letting us experience it too through your posts. Brought a huge smile to my face xx

  14. Oh my word Rebecca. That market looks like somewhere that would quickly become my "happy place". Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful travels with us.

  15. It looks like you all had a wonderful time on your trip:-) Hubby and I decided Italy is going to be our first big trip together! I love you pics, so fun! Hugs, Terra

  16. This looks like such a lovely market! Thank you for the fantastic tour. Italy is on my must do list, hopefully soon!


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