Bluberries Kuchen (Chile)

It is with great pleasure to have a a guest post from Gloria from one of my favorite blogs Canela Kitchen especially for wonderful cakes served with tea.

 Gloria is a sweet Mum to twins and lives in Chile a country on my bucket list. I asked for a traditional recipe from there and so interesting to learn that German cakes are famous in Chile. I hope one day to visit Chile and have tea and cake with my friend Gloria ;-) 

Rebecca from the lovely blog Chow & Chatter invited me to make a guest post, I accepted with
pleasure I love Rebecca blog, love her recipes, her travels and pics... and her kids LOL

She said I would make any recipe  from Chile, I choose this Kuchen recipe with blueberries, especially  all of you are in summer and can use blueberries or others berries.

In Chile we have a large tradition of german cakes or kuchen because in the south of Chile arrived many german people with their recipes and we love  especially for Tea Time and if you want to look other kuchen see here, Normally is a cake with cream and fruits (berries or others)

Anyway Im from the South of Chile a place where rain a lot of time in the year and we love take tea or coffe with some goodies, so this was a natural choose for me.

This recipe is from a friend of mine, Moon a chilean that live in Atlanta, Ga. you can see others recipes of her  here
Hope you enjoyed this recipe as I did !


80 grs.  soft butter
1/2 cup of sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
3 tablespoon of milk
1 tin condensed milk
3 natural yogurt (whole) about 227 grs. c/u
250 grs, blueberries or blackberries



In a bowl beat butter with sugar and egg.
Add flour and baking powder, alternating with milk. mix well.

Preheat oven to 180 ° c
Grease a round pan about 23 or 24 cm
Put the dough with your hands into the mold leaving a border along the edge of the mold.
Bake crust for 10 minutes. Remove and fill  with the blueberries  and then filling with the yogurt and condensed milk cream.
Bring back to oven for 20 to 25 minutes until the cream is firm and does not stick to fingers
Remove and let cool before cut.


 In a bowl mix a can of condensed  milk and 3 natural  yogurts . mix well and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
 Then pour the cream  over the blueberries and kuchen crust, and place in the oven.

Print Recipe here

Chilean wood cook in the South


Kuchen de arándanos

Rebecca del blog  Chow & Chatter me ha pedido que le haga un post acerca de Chile con alguna receta, y el kuchen fue mi elección porque yo soy del sur y es caracteristico tomar té o café con un trozo de kuchen, y en verdad, me trae muchos recuerdos de mi infancia y mi mamá o mi abuelita cocinando
para la hora del té.

La receta es de Moon, una amiga blogera chilena que vive en Atlanta Ga. y es absolutamente deliciosa.
Pueden ver otras recetas de Moon aqui.


80 grs, mantequilla suavizada
1/2 cup of sugar
1 huevo
1 1/2 taza de harina sin polvos de hornear
1 cucharadita de polvos de hornear
3 cucharadas de leche
1 tarro de leche condensada
3 yogurts naturales
250 grs. de arándanos o moras
(naturales o congeladas)




  1. What a wonderful guest post. The kuchen looks delicious and it is a wonderful recipe to add to the hopper. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  2. Absolutely beautiful, Gloria! I can always count on a tasty berrylicious recipe from you. =)

  3. ah Dear Rebecca Im so happy you invited me to make a guestv post in your blog:)
    Thanks so much:)

  4. Hi Rebecca! I've come from my dear friend Gloria's blog to visit you! This recipe looks amazing and as soon as I buy yogurt, I'm going to try it. Love Gloria's recipes! So nice to meet have a lovely blog, too!

    1. Hi Betsy so nice to meet you on my way to your blog

  5. A fantastic blueberry kuchen, Gloria.

  6. A wonderful blueberry kuchen, Gloria.

  7. Oh my goodness how delicious! If I could eat with my eyes then I'd be in heaven :)

  8. I'm so happy blueberries are in season. Can't wait to make this!

  9. How wonderful to find your blog via Gloria!!! Such a yummy kuchen :)

  10. This sounds like a delicious cake and it looks great!

  11. Oh wow, that is beautiful!! My friend is moving there in a few weeks. I am looking forward to enjoying all her pictures, Chile is on my bucket list too:-) Beautiful, Hugs, Terra

  12. What a beautiful looking dessert. My husband was born in Chile (I think in a German hospital) and lived there until he was eight. I've never been there but I'd love to visit. This dessert would be very delicious.

  13. This looks delicious!!! And I really love the little teapot : )

  14. love this guest post! looks like a delicious treat :)

  15. What a beautiful looking dessert, my own bias not what I'd expect from a Chilean recipe. Always interesting Rebecca, thank you.

    1. :-) I love learning about other cultures it was new to me as well

  16. Perfect treat for the season with all the berries flowing in the market!

  17. I should have guessed this was a recipe from Gloria by all of those wonderful berries! Beautiful and delicious.

  18. Now that is a lovely cake! Beautiful.

  19. Holy smokes! That's blueberry heaven! Outstanding guest post, Rebecca! Awesome seeing Gloria over here :)

  20. This looks amazing! I love the addition of condensed milk!Love Gloria's blog!

  21. Blueberries!!!! My favorite snack in this season. I only wish that I can bake this beautiful cake instead of eating just as it is... Wonderful guest post Gloria!

    Thanks Rebecca for inviting her here. :-)


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