Mini Fisherman's Pies

I love mini servings of dishes and this was a star dish I made recently I enjoy a good fisherman's pie, you can add any seafood to it, and its a good little one pot meal. To be honest my 10 month old is a little on the small side and so was his big sister on the lowest percentile. So dishes like this made with fish (protein), milk, cheese, mash potatoes and vegetables are easy for him to eat and nutritious for an active growing boy. For an adult go a easy on the butter, and added cheese, use skim milk instead and less cheese. 


to make 4 

  • 3 pieces of sole, one cup of shrimp salmon would also be great in this dish
  • 5 medium potatoes chopped 
  • 1 cup of mixed frozen vegetables
  • one tablespoon butter for mash and a dash of milk
  • one cup of milk for white sauce, 1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley
  • one tablespoon of plain flour to make the roux
  • 2 large slices of cheddar cheese and a little grated cheese for the top

  1. lightly poach the fish and shrimp in a little milk and butter until cooked 5-7 minutes 
  2. boil the potatoes 10 minutes or until soft and mash with butter and milk
  3. melt some butter add the flour and make a roux, slowly add the milk little by little and allow the sauce to thicken add cheese and parsley
  4. add the fish to the cheese sauce and add to the ramekins with steamed vegetables top with mashed potato and grated cheese
  5. bake at 350 for 7-10 minutes and serve 
  6. I added extra vegetables and my kids love broccoli great finger food for wee ones

Have a great start to the week everyone :-) 


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  1. Rebecca I love mini pies too about all; and these look delicious wr ate fish to day an we love fish.
    Love this recipe; ) have a nice day!

  2. I just love small servings. Pot pies in individual ramekins were my childhood favorite. I just couldn't coax my mom into making them often enough, so I had to learn to do it myself! These look wonderful!

  3. i love mini servings of things as well! these look delicious, i have to try this for my little guy!

  4. I think I'd like to try this more like a pot pie with a pre-made (supermarket) pie dough topping and just frozen peas for the veg. I'll let you know (and the world at large) how it turns out.

  5. Yum, this sounds great! Simple and delicious.

  6. I love small servings too - and this mini fish pie looks just perfect!

  7. They look very yummy! I like the idea of baked pies with fish!

  8. Scrumptious and so comforting! I love pies.



  9. Like the idea of the mini-dishes Rebecca. Great for practicality when a huge fish pie isn't required.Nice to have a side portion of broccoli too.

  10. What a delightful meal for kids of any age. I love small meals.

  11. I love mini versions of food!It looks delicious!

  12. I am such a fan of seafood and you've just given me an idea for another seafood dish! I feel inspired :)

  13. Came over from Betsy's blog. I love mini dishes too. In fact, I'm always on the look out for little dishes..Ross for Less, Thrift Shops, yard sales, etc. I will have to try this for sure.

  14. I love cute individual servings like this. These pies look delicious!

  15. Lovely recipe, Rebecca. I try to serve fish at least once a week and this will be a nice change from my regular recipes. Petrale sole is my favorite white fish so that will be my choice.

  16. These sound like a tasty idea. Can't wait to try them!

  17. I love mini versions of my favorites as well and this dish sounds delicious! I haven't cooked fish in ages. I'm sure my family would love this.

  18. Can you believe that I have never made a fisherman's pie? This looks lipsmacking!

  19. This looks so inviting. I love mini pies.

  20. Same here Rebecca, I love mini servings too. Specially dishes like this which I would like freshly made and not kept as left overs for next day.

    1. oh I loved it as a leftover he he as a busy mum leftovers rock

  21. I love mini pies too... but once I baked fish pie in my oblong baking dish... my daughter commented 'Mom... this is not posh!!'...
    I guess it looks more appetising to be served in ramekins than oblong baking dish :)

    1. he he got to love your daughter J would say that when shes older I bet

  22. What delicious little pies and I love that your little ones enjoy seafood!

  23. brilliant! I do Shepard's pie this way and for some reason never thought of using fish... such a must do!

    1. thanks Amelia oh love the idea of mini shepherds pies too

  24. esto se ve muy apetitoso... espero puedas seguir sorprendiendonos


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