Peach Eton Mess

Eton mess is a traditional British dessert mostly made with pieces of Meringue, fresh strawberries and whipped cream. I decided to make meringue, use peaches and Greek yogurt for a healthier version. In fact the sweet meringue with the peaches worked perfectly with the yogurt. Eton mess originated in Eton College a famous and very grand private school in Windsor England. In fact if your visiting London, I highly recommend a visit to Windsor its a stunning little town, you can stroll along the Thames, and visit the mighty Windsor castle, the Queens residence. 

 I have visited castles all over the world and this is one of my favorite it has over 1000 years of history there. The town itself is full of pubs, hip restaurants and tea rooms and good high street shopping. It also makes a great overnight stay when flying out of Heathrow as its only a few miles away. 

Windsor Castle 

Me with the wee man in my belly last spring :-) 

Saint George's Church inside Windsor Castles Grounds

for the meringue, makes about 6 small ones, funny this time I had no grease proof paper so used a madeleine pan they looked like little hedgehogs! see below- 


2 egg whites 
4 oz of caster sugar 
1 oz of granulated sugar


  1. add baking paper to a large cookie sheet or use a madeleine pan!
  2. add egg whites to a large bowl and beat until thick
  3. slowly adding in sugar until it stands in peaks, takes about 10-15 minutes 
  4. pipe about 14 ovals onto the baking paper or simple add with a spoon like I did
  5. bake at 225 degrees for one hour 
  6. transfer to a wire cooling tray to cool
Rebecca's Peach Eton mess

Simple spoon plain Greek yogurt into a glass, layer peach and crumbled meringue,  add yogurt again and top with peaches and meringue.

Meringue Hedgehog

What British desserts do you like?

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  1. I like your version of Eton Mess! I love scones and could eat them every day :)

  2. Love your peach version! Great outdoor images, too.

  3. Thanks for explaining what's Eton Mess. I saw it on another blog, but I was a little shy to ask what it is or how it's created. :-) I remember you went to Widsor. I'd love to visit one day. And the hedgehog looks so cute! :-)

    1. never be shy to ask bet they would love to answer :-) hope you get there one day

  4. I only had meringue once. And it wasn't pretty.... I should have added fruits! This is crazy...ggoooood crazy

    1. thanks yep it works well with fruits, thanks for visiting

  5. Lovely flavors. Saw a meringue and berries Mess on Master chef Australia yesterday :-)
    You version look quite flavorful.

  6. Love Eton mess but have been to afraid with the meringue bit lol

    1. oh my you can cook so well this would be a Breeze for you

  7. I would love to visit there. So much history as you say. The peaches, which have been wonderful this year, sound fantastic with the meringue.

  8. such a creative take on eton mess! and so delicious!

  9. Hi Rebecca! Hope you are well. I love Eton Mess! and peach eton mess sounds fab... I have some peaches that need using and thank you for the inspiration :)

  10. I love the British dessert "spotted dick". And because I'm childish, the name makes me laugh too.

  11. Oh Rebecca...this looks delicious...I love how you made this dessert it! I never been to England, but would love to one day.
    Hope you are having a great week :)

  12. Anything that has peach in it has to be delish!

  13. oh that castle is so fun! I'd love to explore inside it!

  14. Windsor is really nice. Did you include a trip to Legoland just down the road?

  15. this looks lovely. it would make a great after work snack. :)

  16. Oh yum! I love peaches. It's my favorite part about summer :)

  17. I love Meringue... this sounds so good!


  18. It must be a wonderful place visit - so full of history! Love your peach version of this British dessert and the meringue hedgehog :)

  19. another fantastic twist on a classic... i like the idea of lightening it up with Greek yogurt, which is velvety smooth (and does not require whipping). love the meringue hedgehog.

  20. I love the name of the treat, it may be a mess, but it sounds pretty fantastic too! I love J's little hedgehog, how fun:-) Hugs, Terra

  21. Terra he he a mess can also be a common room

  22. What a delicious dessert,Rebecca! Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures and you looked beautiful expecting your baby boy :)

  23. I think you're so clever to substitute fresh peaches for this 'mess'. What a perfect treat for this hot time of year! I was fortunate to visit Windsor in 1986 with my sister and mother when my sister was student teaching in London. And as you said, it is is beautiful! I'd love to go again! Will you return for any of the Olympic games? Like the Roz above, I just love spotted dick too! Sadly because of the economic times, our local (British owned) English pub has closed down. My husband and I miss the British foods they served!

    1. hope you get to go back, no plans to go for the Olympics would be fun though and sorry about the pub closing

  24. DE-lish! Great use of peaches and greek yogurt. I pretty much subscribe to the school that Greek yogurt makes EVERYTHING better :)

  25. I love castles! Your photos are making me long for travel. And the eton mess sounds divine.

    1. thanks so much and travel oh its amazing isn;t it

  26. Brilliant idea Rebecca!
    I love peaches and they are in season now and my kids love meringue
    Loved the picture of the meringue hedgehog in the cute little hand

  27. I haven't heard of this dessert. So nice to see some British favorites. I'm not sure of meringue though. I like the hedgehog too!


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