Rhubarb and Strawberry Granita

I have to say I adore the chow and chatter facebook page and the sweet folks on there, I started talking about rhubarb and recipe ideas and I decided there was no excuse for never cooking it. My Dad grows it in his garden and I remember nibbling on it dipped in sugar as a kid with my Mum making rhubarb crumble with custard (a crisp in the US). 

I wanted to do something different and with the weather being so warm I thought of an Italian style granita. It was easy to make and a fun summer treat. Its also healthy being a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Calcium, Potassium and Manganese.


  • 3 big stalks of rhubarb
  • 10 strawberries
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1/4 cup of sugar 
  • a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice

  1. cook the strawberries and chopped rhubarb in a pan over a medium heat with the sugar and add water as needed but the rhubarb will have plenty of liquid in them 
  2. let it simmer for about 10-20 minutes until you have a nice sauce and add lemon juice
  3.  let it cool I used 1/2 for the granita and 1/2 I kept in the fridge and added to oatmeal
  4. add the mixture into a tin and put in the freezer after about an hour take it out and stir with a fork
  5. then after another hour do the same by this time it will be a nice sorbet with a icy consistency and ready to serve
I actually made it the day before and decided to wait for a sunny afternoon the next day to take a good picture :-) on my front step, but the wee kiddies followed and as I quickly took pictures the wee guy was eating the chalk we play with! His cute smile came as I said no, kids make the best props and best taste testers :-)

 adore out kids :-)

our cheeky wee guy :-)
added to oatmeal so good:-)

Have you eaten, or cooked with rhubarb and what's your favorite recipe?

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  1. Hi Rebecca! I love the photos, those two little ones are so-so cute! :) Rhubarb doesn't grow in area we live now, and I miss it. I love rhubarb in various dishes, sweet and savory.

    1. Marina would love to hear how you use in a savory dish

  2. Se ve delicioso, nunca he probado el ruibarbo, tengo mucha curiosidad

  3. yum - delicious dessert! love the pics of the little ones, they are adorable :)

  4. Delicious dessert with rhubarb. I need to try this combo. Your prince and princess is is cute, and he is growing up.

  5. granita looks wonderful lovely pictures of your kids

  6. OMG, Rebecca, I can't believe how your little guy has grown! You have such beautiful children. I bet they loved this granita.

    1. They liked it kind of he he but I ate most of it and i know he is growing up so fast :-)

  7. hi rebecca,seems ur kids had grown up..v cute lil pies...loved granita....urs looks truly awesome..lov d color!

  8. haha I think strawberry recipes are trending now. I've seen so many this morning. I need to get on the strawberry train asap!


  9. Your kids are so beautiful, Rebecca! What a delicious dessert..love the color, and I have to buy some rhubarb soon to create a dish.

  10. Your children are so adorable!!!! And I love this dessert. Granitas are so simple and perfect for summer.

    1. Jen thanks and now I am thinking of my next one to make he he

  11. Mixing the rhubarb and strawberry is a terrific idea, Rebecca.
    Your children are precious :)

    I saw many nice '3 words' on FB to describe your blog, you should be so proud!

    1. thanks and your right the descriptions of chow and chatter on facebook made my day

  12. What a great summertime treat. Your kids are adorable!

  13. Oh I've never seen rhubarb granita- this is so creative!

  14. A delicius and refreshing tret! I love that flavor combination.

    Your kids are so cute!



  15. Granitas are so refreshing at this time of year! Love the strawberry rhubarb combo.

  16. My Mum makes compote, sometime mixed with apple or apricot. She also make pie with rhubarb compote.
    Love the sourness of rhubarb.
    We don't have it in HK where Iive now.

    Great post and lovely kids!

    1. oh love the sound of your mums compote, thanks for the kind feedback and for visiting my blog

  17. I've never made a granita but it does seem like the perfect summer treat :)

  18. Your wee taste teasers are adorable! Rhubarb crisp was a summertime favorite since when I was child since we used to grow it in our garden. I've had very little of it, since then. Your grant looks like a perfect re-introduction to try it!

  19. Mmmm. this looks very refreshing and delicious. I really enjoyed rhubarb a lot this past spring.

  20. I love rhubarb! We used to grow it in our yard when I was a kid. My dad and I would peel down the skin and sprinkle salt on it....yum! This granita looks great too. I have never made one before. I think I need to change that!

    1. wow salt :-) looking forward to seeing what you do with it

  21. This look delicious anf.your. Kids are ssooooo cute!:)

  22. What a cooling and refreshing dessert!

  23. Love rhubarb! Great idea to use it for a granita.

  24. Honestly, rhubarb sauce is my all time favorite, something my Dad and I used to make together:-) I love love rhubarb! Your granita looks fantastic:-) Your sweet kids are just precious:-) Hugs, Terra

    1. thanks I am late in the rhubarb game but its never to late right he he

  25. I adore rhubarb since my dad grew up growing it and loving it. My fav is paired with strawberries in a slump - a biscuit like dessert. Want to try this and put it over oatmeal like you did - great idea!

    1. thanks so much and my Dad grew it too, your way also sounds fab


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