Salmon and Vegetable En Papillote

I have always been intrigued by this dish, and thought it was hard like a lot of dishes with a French name, but recently tried it after seeing a recipe on Bon Appetit. It is also a fun dish to make with a child, as you can assemble all the fillings and let them fill them and make the little parcels. The cool thing is taking it out of the oven and opening to a delicious meal, complete with salmon and vegetables, just like opening a present. 


  • 2 pieces of salmon to make two parcels
  • 1/2 a zucchini and 1/2 squash thinly sliced
  • 2 slices of lemon
  • a dash of olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoon of white wine
  • 8-10 leaves of fresh basil
  • 8 cherry tomatoes halved
  • 6 slices of sweet red or yellow pepper
  • handful of spinach 
  • a sprig of oregano

  1. add one piece of salmon, a few slices of zucchini and squash, salt and pepper, a couple of slices of pepper, spinach and oregano olive oil, basil, wine, a few cherry tomatoes and fold
  2. see picture for how to fold and clip below :-) 

As I watch this I am smiling as my wee guy is under the dining table and I have a camera on my back taking quick pictures :-). One day as the kids grow my blogs pictures will shine but as you see these guys are priority right now :-) 

little Jasmine adding goodies to the parcel, complete with homegrown tomatoes, basil, oregano and zucchini

Who else makes this? and if like me you were intimated don't be you can do it, lovely simple meal and super healthy


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  1. I love salmon and in papillotr sounds delicious!
    Jasmine love cook too? she is so cute:)

    1. thanks :-) she likes cooking hope it stays with her

  2. I love this kind of cooking, :) simple and hassle free, perfect when you have wee little boys under the table ;)

  3. I love cooking in paper. It makes the meat really moist and helps concentrate the flavours. Looks great xx

  4. I haven't made tis since school but it was always one of my favorites! Beautifully done.

  5. This looks wonderful. I haven't made this in ages and now you've put the bug in my bonnet. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  6. I love parchment paper more than anything. I do this with white flaky fish for some reason but will try with salmon for sure.

  7. Awesome ! Loved the video ! your little girl is a cutie !!! The dish looks delish too. Will try this one since we are big on salmon !

  8. This is so very healthy and tasty as well. Hallo, Sous chef Jasmine ;-)

  9. I've made Dorie Greenspan's version of this method, and it was pretty tasty!

  10. i have yet to try this method of cooking, sounds fun and delicious! it is definitely time for me to give it a go

  11. i've never done anything en papillote, but this looks like a great way to start! what fresh gorgeous flavors!

  12. What a delicious way to prepare salmon, Rebecca, and I love your priorities ;)

  13. I love, love salmon and this dish looks delicious, Rebecca!

  14. I yet have to bake with papillote....looks great and indeed very healthy Rebecca...have a wonderful week ahead :)

  15. very healthy meal..
    and hello to Miss Junior Chef Jasmine :D

  16. I love fish cooked in parchment paper! Sounds like a great way to prepare salmon.

  17. I did using this papillote for twisting an Indonesian recipe of pepes which originally uses banana leaves. It worked fine but I couldn't get the nice smell of steaming/grilling banana leaves

    1. love banana leaves good memories of eating of them in India

  18. Hi Rebecca, these look fantastic. And I love how you described them as "like opening a present"! fun! Have a wonderful Tuesday.

  19. I make a lot fish dishes like this tasty one too, also with veggies from my own garden!
    Your fish dish looks amazing & ooh so wonderful too: great flavours! :) xxx

  20. Jasmine is soo cute and now I know how much she loves cooking :) And yes I can see your lil boy out there too :D
    I didn't even know it's called papillote. I would just put every thing in a aluminum foil an bake it. It's our current most fav way to enjoy fish.

  21. Sounds fancy.. but looks really simple ;)

  22. This is my favorite way to prepare salmon because it stays nice and moist and the little packet is so pretty on a plate. I usually add a few very thin sweet onion slices. Your version looks so delicious, Rebecca.


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