Summer Tomato and Basil Spaghetti

This is now my favorite way to serve spaghetti it shouts summer with the homegrown cherry tomatoes and fresh basil and its easy to make, what's not to like. This recipe was inspired by Barbara's blog Moveable Feasts CookBook.  I always enjoy visiting her and have been following for a few years she's a wonderful lady and great cook and takes awesome trips with her daughter one to French Polynesia. The only change I made was to add peas and this week I roasted eggplant and zucchini and added to it so good.


serves 3-4
  • one cup of halved cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup of fresh basil chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic chopped
  • one tablespoon of olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1/2 cup of frozen peas
  • 1/2 a pack of spaghetti

  1. simply mix the cherry tomatoes, with the garlic, salt and pepper, basil and olive oil and let it marinate for a few hours - magic happens :-)
  2. boil the spaghetti with peas, till al dente 
  3. heat a pan and toss the tomatoes and spaghetti together and serve 
  4. it makes great leftovers too ;-) 

Here's a wee garden update 

this one got really big when we were away and I made my first zucchini fritters with it yummy 

okra, must plant more plants next time, just getting a few and need to pluck when a little smaller :-) but its a fun learning experience gardening 

and who knew okra has such pretty blossoms 

Have a wonderful start to the week folks :-) 


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  1. Fresh, beautiful ingredients! This looks perfect, Rebecca.

  2. Looks like really fresh tasting spaghetti !

  3. pasta looks very nice and fresh,:) ITs so nice to grow fresh vegetables :), great experiance for the kids right ?:)

  4. This is my favorite meal too. I picked today a huge bunch of basil from my garden, and pasta is calling for it... :)

  5. I need to cook healthy and delicious meal like this more often. Perfect for our hot weather here too.

  6. Yes, it is amazing how marinating them works. I make something similar with whole cut up tomatoes and it's one of our summer favorites. Love your additions Rebecca.

  7. Yum! a lovely summer's easy peasy pasta dinner! i will use fresh cherry tomatoes from my garden in here! I also will add some bacon bits! :) Yumm! Your garden is thriving! :-) The okra flower is very lovely! ;)

    1. thanks love how excited you get about food :-) hugs

  8. I'm so impressed with your garden Rebecca! And, this pasta dish sounds perfect for summer. Pinning now to make soon :-)

  9. You have green fingers, Rebecca, love the beautiful home grown okras..naturally organic! Nothing beats spaghetti and simple ol tomatoes..

  10. A perfect garden-fresh pasta dish, Rebecca! I make a very similar pasta dish that I learned from another blogger friend of mine.

    Love that shot of Jasmine and the huge zucchini. Gardening is so much fun and rewarding.

  11. LOVE YOUR GARDEN! I love okra too. I especially love prawns in basil and garlic, delicious :)

  12. such a beautiful summer pasta dish! so simple and fresh! love it!

  13. I love simple meals. And tomatoes look so red and juicy.

  14. Nothing screams like a fresh pasta dish as this does with the fresh tomatoes and basil . . . so light too! And i like how you added some peas!

  15. mmm, you just can't beat those flavors!

  16. What a beautiful summer recipe Rebecca! Looks like a winner to me.
    I had no idea okra had such a lovely flower - nice discovery :-)

  17. One of my favorite dishes, but I never thought to add peas. Great idea!

  18. I love what a simple and delicoius meal this is!

  19. I like your simple of pasta , especially good to serve here as the weather is hot and humid now.

    1. thanks yep great for hot weather and you dont feel like cooking

  20. Delicious pasta dish Rebecca...and thanks for sharing the okra flower...first time seeing it :)
    Hope you are having a great week!

  21. I got a bunch of fresh basil an fresh tomatoes yesterday from my neighbor and I made a similar dish for dinner, but I added oregano and dried red pepper to mine.It is a favorite here.

  22. Simple and delicious! I didn't know okra has that beautiful flower!

  23. Just what I have in the balcony tomatoes and basil. Love the addition of the green peas. In the picture they look like capers.

    Great Idea for tomorrow's lunch.

  24. Delicious flavors in the spaghetti. And I agree with Nami -- never knew about those pretty flowers for okra :)

    1. thanks and i bet you could do a great shoot with one of the flowers :-)

  25. Hi Rebecca,
    I just love this recipe. During the hot weather a simple pasta like this is one of our favorite meals. I usually just use the tomatoes and basil, but I love how you've added roasted eggplant and zucchini. It sounds so delicious! Thanks for sharing. The zucchini is almost as big as your beautiful daughter:)

    1. thanks so much for stopping by and she was proud of that :-_

  26. Looks summery and delicious for a light pasta!


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