Brennivin and Shark in Iceland

Here's a fun clip of me sampling some traditional Icelandic food with the lovely Lea of Hesteimar Horse farm, highly recommend a stay here, they have wonderful rooms and cabins and home cooked meals by the family. It is located in Southern Iceland with great accessibility to the coast, the golden circle route and amazing country drives.

The farm is a world class breeding facility for Icelandic horses that haven't left Iceland or been mixed for 1000 years. We celebrated the wee mans first birthday here and sweet Lea made a cake - magic. The farm also offers riding lessons and trail riding. 

me and our darling now one year old

this is traditional Icelandic bread made by Lea, it is slow cooked for 7 hours at a low temperature. In fact in the area's near hot springs, local's bake it in the ground for 24 hrs. Its great with butter for fish. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone 

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  1. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!

  2. Oh! I wish to visit .. i really do. Picture says it all .. about how much fun you guys had :) I have to say your kids are a sport! Love them :)

  3. What a wonderful adventure. The bread has made me curious and I'm off on a voyage of kitchen and bread baking exploration. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary.

  4. I've always wanted to visit Iceland, it seems very expensive for a short visit and there is always somewhere else to go first. I've enjoyed following your trip.

    1. Janice it is expensive but so worth it the landscapes are amazing :-) I had never seen glaciers before

  5. Your more woman that I could ever be-rock on! What a great experience traveling to Iceland. No doubt it is a beautiful country. Love hanging out with you during your travels.


    1. thanks for joining me and that was funny as I couldn't not try it after I started filming :-)

  6. Lovely ! I have been following you on FB. You are so lucky to travel around places :)

  7. Looks like you had a good time. Would love to try that bread!

  8. Happy Birthday to your Little Guy! I don't recall trying rotten shark when I was in Iceland, but your farm stay sound wonderful :-)

  9. I love culture and cultural foods are one of the biggest adventures an appetite can take! Iceland dishes are less known to me. Thanks for sharing this! That bread sounds divine!


  10. Iceland is at the top of my list of countries I'd like to visit.

  11. I have to tell you that you are my travel hero now, after traveling with a year old to Iceland! :)
    Thanks for taking me to a place I have never been. :)

  12. I would love to go there ~~

    hope your well!!


  13. what an experience! I so want to go there. One day I will, hopefully very soon.


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