The Northern Lights over Reykjavik

We were so blessed to see the Northern lights on our trip to Iceland, in fact every evening I would look and even wake in the night just to check. These magical dancing lights showed up as our baby boy turned one. While not as bright as they are in winter months it was one of life's special moments. Something I will always cherish and I wanted to share it with you all.

Who has seen them and do you have any pictures to share?

Have a lovely weekend 


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  1. Lucky you! Thanks for sharing. We used to see the Northern lights from our home in Québec when I was younger, in the early 70's. No pictures or video to prove it but still have the memory of standing outside watching them. They're so beautiful.

    1. oh thats so cool you have seen it too, craving to see it again hugs

  2. I have seen these back home in Finland! They are so beautiful!

  3. Awesome! So glad you got to experience this.

  4. Morning, what a fabulous opportunity! I've seen photos that my friends took and they really do look breathtaking too. Lucky you and happy birthday to your little one :)

  5. I went to Iceland to see them, but it never happened. So sad! But how awesome that you got to!!!

  6. I've always wanted to see them & I hope to some day ... Thx for sharing :-)

  7. Thanks for sharing the video!

  8. What a thrilling experience. I've seen them a couple of times in northern Wisconsin over a lake and it was awesome.

    1. i hear you can see in the North of America maybe I need to come north in the Winter :-) hugs

  9. I love aurora borealis too! We watched it in Finland a few years ago! It is so beautiful to see, something special & wonderful! So pretty too! :) Aaaaaaah!
    A lovely video!

    1. :-) I hear Finland is amazing to see them so happy you have also seen them


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