Roasted Cinnamon Maple Pumpkin Seeds

Like the rest of America I have been using the wonderful pumpkins we have available right now I made soup last week and kept the seeds. I cleaned them well allowed to dry out then roasted them. The seeds are a wonderful source of Protein, Magnesium and Zinc so when you carve your pumpkin be sure to keep them.  Its also a great idea to cook up some pumpkins make puree and freeze, some folks on the chow and chatter facebook page mentioned that they do this. 


  • one cup of pumpkin seeds 
  • 2 tablespoon of maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon 

  1. scoop the seeds from the pumpkin wash well and dry on paper towels
  2. coat in maple syrup and cinnamon and roast at 350 for about 20 -25 minutes on parchment paper until crispy the maple syrup will caramelize
  3. keep checking cooking times may vary
I will admit they were a tad chewy,  I read that if you remove the outer layer its better, anyone got any tips for me ?

my darling wee girl holding them :-) 

Have a great weekend everyone 


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  1. I do not mind if they are chewy, yum yum. Take care Diane

  2. Love to hv as snacks... Grt snack with get flavours!!

  3. I love that picture Jasmine grabing it. Delicious who can say no to it.

  4. Cinnamon + maple, very creative.
    I'm with Swathi, the picture of your daughter is too cute.

  5. What a great idea to add cinnamon to the seeds!

  6. Just got back from a short vacation and so I've missed a few of your posts! I love pumpkin seeds and the maple flavor of these sounds wonderful!

  7. dear Rebecca, A delicious and healthy treat to snack on. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  8. Nice.. if I start using pumpkin one day I would need this recipe :)

    Have a great weekend!

  9. thanks so much for this beautiful post.

  10. Great idea,Rebecca!Delicious snack for the kids!

  11. Your post brings back fun memories of carving pumpkins. My mom used to roast pumpkin seeds too.

  12. they sound really delicious - yummy snack

  13. I have a giant pile of pumpkin seeds in my kitchen right now. This is perfect!

  14. i think I should join the pumpkin bandwagon but there is no season here! I get pumpkin all year maybe its time to try out those deliciously flavoured seeds!

  15. I love spiced pumpkin seeds. Great recipe and use of all those pumpkin seeds:)

  16. I love pumpkin seeds and this looks like an awesome way to fix them!

  17. This is so timely Rebecca, I was just looking roasting pumpkin seed instructions on line. I wonder if they'd be crunchy if you dried them overnight in the oven on low temp? Just a thought. Thanks for the recipe, have a lovely Tuesday.

  18. We love pumpkins seeds!! drying them overnight does help a bit!!


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