The Dixie Classic Fair - can be Healthy :-)

We took the kids to the Dixie Classic fair today in Winston Salem NC, we had a great day and as a dietitian I was thrilled to have meet some lovely Master Gardeners who are promoting local community gardens and resources through the NC cooperative extension. Here's a wee interview below, but was cut short as our daughter was very keen to go on the rides :-) 

There was also a fun magic show with an agricultural and health education component so Rebecca the dietitian was impressed the fair was more than fried food. Although funnel cakes are good once in a while. I guess you know your a dietitian when the highlight of the fair was the homegrown veggies

Lovely master gardener

North Carolina apples 

well you know who this is :-) 

huge sweet potatoes 

amazing green beans and pumpkins the biggest was nearly 800lb!

funny shaped gourds 

large watermelons 
long necked gourds 

a clip of the show :-0)
pretty displays 
loved these decorated pumpkins 

our wee Jasmine having a ball :-) 

What's your favorite thing at the fair?

Have a great weekend all 


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  1. That looks like sooooo ... much fun.

  2. Fairs are so much fun. I had to smile. Kids are just like husbands. When they are ready to move on, you have to move on.

    I was with the Master Gardener's program in central Florida years ago. It's a great organization. Here in the mountains the Master Gardener's decorate for Halloween downtown.

    1. thats cool wish you were closer I could learn from you :-)

  3. Looks like so much fun, even the vegetables :) That last shot of your daughter is great!

  4. Ah, North Carolina apples. I miss them.

  5. Take my kids to the agricultural fair every year but we eat funnel cakes and candies apples :) Also eat corn-on -the - cob which is not bad huh ! Like your healthy take on the fair :) The show is good !

  6. This weekend here greek festival is going on, We are thinking whether go or not as Parking is main problem.Looks this is great fun, Love to vegetables.

  7. wow Jasmine was having some fun, right?
    You always have some great stuff to share with us. I want some sweet potatoes!


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