Baguette magic

Every now and again you stumble on a place that screams to be blogged about so others can enjoy it. Baguette magic is one such place in Charleston SC its run by a lovely Frenchman who came to Charleston to study and decided it needed good bread. It sells fresh baguettes, croissants, coffee and great sandwiches a taste of France in SC.

We came to folly beach for a couple of days Tuesday was divine sunny and warm

The sunrise ;-)

We enjoyed a stroll on the beach in the morning then a day waking around Charleston so pretty this time of year.

I got a couple of antique silver spoons for the kids in a cute wee shop called curiosity down this walkway ;-)

At the aquarium really a first class place, great for little ones

But if in Charleston be sure to get a croissant in Baguette magic and get some sandwiches for the road like we did today ;-) we left a day early as the weather got a bit chilly and rainy.

Baguette Magic
792 Folly Road, Charleston SC

Hugs Rebecca


  1. Hope storm damage down there didn't put a damper on your fun. Thanks for sharing.

    1. oh no the storm didn't reach SC but the bad weather really made us think about folks affected by Sandy to keep praying and donating

  2. I love croissants :) Lovely pictures!

  3. What a lovely trip :)

  4. Every city, town and village need a good place to get bread. Love it!

    Your silver spoons...I like them too.


  5. Charleston is such a charming city. Love all of your photos.

  6. Ahhh... this was a beautiful, magical post. The sea, the food, those photos. They were all enchanting. I love a nice, crispy, grilled baguette, with sardines or mackerel on top and plenty of salad. Oh, dear, you've made me hungry.

    Greetings from London.

  7. love the pics, especially the one with the kids :)

  8. Charleston is on my places to visit list. Love the spoons you picked up for the kids! Enjoy :-)

  9. The croissant looks great, but now I have appetite for a good baguette sandwich.

  10. Cool place! I've never been to Charleston but it is on my 'to-do list'

  11. What a lovely day for you!
    That sandwich looks also very tasty! Yummy Yum!

  12. sounds like a lovely way to spend the day!


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