Bison Bolognese with Rigatoni #FBS4Sandy

I noticed a tweet on twitter for this wonderful event - Food Blogging Support for Sandy, hosted by Barbara of Creative Culinary and Jenn of Jenn cuisine  and thought I have to join in and I hope you will too. We just need to share a comfort food recipe and then spread the word. I am sure many of you have seen the news of the terrible storm and the damage it has caused. Social media makes it real having friends in the area affected by it. Although its not on the news all the time now, the folks in the North east will need ongoing support for food, healthcare especially blood per red cross and more. So keep donating and praying for our friends there. Comfort food for me is always pasta :-) this was a lovely meal a simple bolognese made with bison, served with homegrown lettuce and arugula. 


  • one small pack of bison (bison is a wonderful meat, leaner than beef with a mild sweet flavor)
  • 2 small carrots chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic chopped 
  • one can of diced tomatoes 
  • one tablespoon of diced tomato
  • one cup of chopped mushrooms
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of Italian herbs
  • salt to taste 
  • 1/4 cup of freshly chopped basil 
  • a handful of greens 
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped

  1. saute the garlic and onion in olive oil for 5 minutes then add the bison and let it brown about 5 minutes
  2. add the mushrooms and carrots, with the herbs and saute
  3. then add the can of tomatoes, and puree and turn to a simmer
  4. simmer for 20-30 minutes, add the fresh basil 
  5. serve with pasta of choice and salad 

  • American Red Cross is providing food, shelter, and other forms of support to hurricane victims. You can donate directly to the Red Cross or  you can also text the word “Redcross” to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
  • The Salvation Army is also focused on providing food, shelter, and support to victims, and takes donations for storm relief.
  • Feeding America is providing food, water and supplies to those who need it as part of their disaster relief program.

Hugs and what's your idea of comfort food?

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  1. making this tonight! One of my favorite meals.

  2. What a wonderful event!We are very lucky and it is always wonderful to help!!!!The dish looks very comforting,Rebecca!

  3. great event Rebecca~~ comfort food at it's best!

  4. Comfort food for me always equals pasta as well. I donated to the Red Cross as well. I feel like if we all made a $10 donation we could do a lot of good. They certainly need our help up there!

  5. I've cooked and eaten my share of ground bison in my day. It's marvelous, quite healthy, etc. Fine idea this one.

  6. The bolognese sounds absolutely lovely, especially with the bison. Thank you so much for participating and encouraging donations to help the Sandy relief effort!

  7. Bison R Us! Colorado has a lot of bison meat available, I'll have to try this recipe, it sounds wonderful.

    Thanks so much for your support in getting the word out, much appreciated!

  8. Lovely post - aide for Sandy victims and a delightful comfort meal!

  9. Wonderful dish for Sandy victims!

  10. Kind of you for getting the word out Rebecca.
    And pasta perfect!

  11. Glad to connect in Support for Sandy! I made Southern squash Casserole, one of my favorite comfort foods! Your Bison Bolognese looks incredible!

  12. Love the comfort recipe for Sandy. We had a snowstorm, I am so concerned for those still without heat/power.
    And bison bolognese, sounds great. Will have to try. When you say Italian herbs...oregano?

    1. mixed Italian herbs a blend :-) hugs and stay warm

  13. You are fantastic for promoting the support for Sandy, Rebecca. So many people need help, its nice to give back. Have a great Thursday.

  14. what a great cause! this dish looks wonderful, love the bison!

  15. This looks so good, Bison is very popular in our area lately; the restaurants are all coming up with their own specialties. Good to be back here Rebecca.

    1. would love to try their recipes ;-) missed you :-)

  16. Pasta is right up there or perhaps a traditional English roast.. its warming, delicious and reminds me of family gatherings

  17. This looks really nice. Maybe add some chopped bell pepper and chilies would be good too. :)


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