Oatmeal with Pomegranate and Walnuts

I love oatmeal this time of year something so comforting holding a nice warm bowl on the cool mornings and its so good for you, loaded with soluble fiber to keep cholesterol in check. If a meal was to be called heart heathy this would be one with the potassium in the pomegranate great for lowering blood pressure, the omega 3 in the walnuts for an optimal lipid profile and did I mention the most important part it tastes great. It was my birthday the morning I made this and I thought what the heck lets have oatmeal in a golden tea cup for fun, it felt kind of special. 


Makes a bowl (I filled my teacup and gave some to the kids :-0)
  • 1/2 cup of oatmeal 
  • one cup of  2% milk 
  • one tablespoon of maple syrup 
  • a handful of walnuts
  • a handful of pomegranate 
  • a pinch of brown sugar 

  1. microwave the oatmeal with milk for 2 minutes and stir
  2. then give another 30 sec- one minute, until soft, I use quick oats, steel cut on the stove top are better but this is still ok in my dietitian book :-) 
  3. stir in maple syrup and top with pomegranate and walnuts and brown sugar 

Have a great weekend everyone, and go on use a special bowl, cup or plate don't wait enjoy them today :-) 


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  1. This looks delicious Rebecca - and a belated happy birthday! I love steel-cut oats but seldom have time to prepare them in the morning. I've been experimenting with making them in my slow cooker overnight and it works really well. So good to come down to the kitchen and have a healthy, delicious breakfast all ready and waiting. I'll be scattering it with pomegranates and walnuts tomorrow!

  2. MMMMMMMMMM,...A great & tasty breakfast, great !!

  3. Oh, my goodness, how did I not know our birthdays are one day apart??? That must be why I like you so much :-) This looks like a wonderful way to start your day. Sending you a Happy Birthday hug & wishes for a fabulous day!! xo

    1. so cool we have birthdays in the same week hugs and thanks for the wishes

  4. What a wonderful combination... and serving it in a special teacup is perfect! I'm going to give this a try :)
    Happy belated birthday!!!
    Patti (Easton Place)

  5. I havent had oatmeal in ages - this weekend just might be the weekend! i like the pom seeds too! stay well, trust hubby and kids are good? Lots of love.

  6. What a great way to treat yourself on your birthday morning. So lovely in the tea cup.

  7. Belated birthday wishes Rebecca, Oatmeal got wonderful make over. Yummy and healthy breakfast, nice way to start a day with it.

  8. This is the 3rd oat recipe I see this evening. I absolutely love your version. I would never think to add pomegranate arils to it. Brilliant idea my friend!

  9. Looks delicious and good to have for breakfast!

  10. love pomegranate and waltnuts Rebecca, look yumm!

  11. oh man! I have been eating lots of oatmeal and pomegranate seeds. Combining the with walnuts is totally genius!!!

  12. looks so delicate and beautiful

  13. oh I'm a fan of this breakfast! This would be a nice (and healthy!) change to my usual...slightly boring oatmeal :)

  14. Delicious AND nutritious :) The best kind of breakfast!

  15. I dont even hesitate a second to have this healthy oatmeal for my everyday breakfast.

  16. Very healthy and delicious breakfast. I love the addition of a pomegranate. Simple, yet very tasty! Well done Rebecca!

  17. The pomegranates look awesome.

  18. Happy birthday. What a healthy way to start your day. This is my kind of breakfast.

  19. I have been enjoying oatmeal more regularly now that the weather is cooler in the mornings. Love this beautiful version with pom arils and walnuts!

  20. The breakfast bowl looks so nice Rebecca. I love to have oatmeals for breakfast specially since it keeps you filled till a late lunch. Love the idea of adding pomegranates! Cheers, Suchi

  21. So cute served in a teacup, Rebecca! I make the steel oat kind....if I could find the can!

  22. Rebecca, you have all my favourite in a cup!....brilliant :D

  23. I love oatmeal, yours looks delicious. Especially in the pretty cup and saucer :)

  24. Oh my goodness that looks delish. I love oatmeal and usually just put milk in it. sandie


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