Barley, Cranberry and Orange Salad

This is a delightful winter salad, using navel oranges and fresh cranberries, it would also work well with any berry. It has a nice sweet note from the oranges and their juice along with the wonderful freshness that fresh parsley adds. I have been making a lot of salads with grains lately, including the waldorf wheat berry salad and the pomegranate tabbouleh they are packed with nutrients and the whole grains are wonderfully filling. 


  • One tablespoon maple syrup
  • a handful of cranberries
  • 3 small navel oranges chopped
  • One tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley 
  • One tomato chopped
  • 1/2 cucumber chopped
  • A handful of walnuts 
  • One cup of cooked barley 

  1. cook the barley per directions
  2. and simply mix all the ingredients together. 
  3. makes a great side dish or a light lunch.

I wanted to leave you with a light and healthy dish and I don't know about you but I am always on the look out for creative lunches, I get bored of sandwiches. 

Hope you will join us on our next adventure :-) as we travel to Germany, India and back through the UK, visiting family and friends and you know me a few blogger meet ups! one is going to be with a fun and very active group called Chennai Food Guide. If your in the area or live in India be sure to join this page, these folks are crazy about food and their local dining scene. 

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  1. This is my type of salad...healthy and delicious.

  2. Barley with cranberries and orange sounds incredible! I wouldn't have thought of such combination!

  3. What a gorgeous looking salad. You're right, it's perfect for winter, when there aren't lots of salad greens around. Good reminder too that I need to use grains a lot more - I tend to often overlook them.
    Happy New Year to you, Rebecca

  4. Yum, this is my kind of salad. Cranberries and oranges sound like a wonderful combination of flavors Rebecca.

  5. Keep these salads coming :)

  6. Ooooh ~ I love this ~ so bright & colorful :-)

  7. Thanks to you, I now have some wheat berries. From Whole Foods. Haven't had any in a long time. I will make a salad and use some pomegranate seeds and a bit of heart of palm and scallions.

  8. i love this kind of salads,Rebecca! The flavors and textures are amazing!

  9. What a lovely looking salad. I love all the colours xx

  10. I'll happily finish that whole plate anytime, healthy salad.

  11. Such a pretty salad Rebecca & would be great with quinoa or millet too! So excited for you and your family that you are going to India-looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Happy 2013!

  12. That looks so pretty and refreshing ! bon voyage ! Have fun , looking forward to see all the pics :)

  13. Delicious salad the fresh fruits and barley...very pretty and tasty.
    Happy 2013 and have a great week ahead!

  14. I just love the notion of a winterized salad. Do you think grain is key? Some wintry fruits, hmn food for thought. Happy New Year to you and your crew.

    1. I guess grains help but all year I would say the citrus is the winter part

  15. Beautiful salad with fresh winter ingredients. Love it and the gorgeous colors in it.

    Off you go again :) Have a wonderful trip, Rebecca!

  16. I will SO be making this soon! (maybe with bulger...hmmm) Safe travels Rebecca. Look forward to hearing about your next journey! hugs.

  17. What a georgous, healthy & festive salad! I love the colours in here too!

  18. I often forget anbout using barley as agrain. I love its nutty pearly texture! what a great salad!

  19. Love salads always..extremely healthy and best for diet conscious people..Great work!!!

  20. I'm a salad lover too! This salad of yours looks great rebecca!

  21. Loving this salad! I have been enjoying barley and am always on the look out for a new recipe.

  22. This is a nutritious looking salad loaded with fresh fruits!


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