Aviyal (South Indian Vegetable and Coconut Curry)

Aviyal is a traditional South Indian dish I remember my Mum in law telling me that it was one of her favorites, it is often served at weddings and festivals. When we were in India last month my Aunt came from the village to visit. She is a lovely lady and now after being married nearly ten years and meeting quite a few times with my not so good Tamil and her English we manage to communicate. She's in her 50's but so active and full of live and humor. She puts some of the younger folks to shame:-) with her energy levels, she is also a wonderful cook. I got this recipe from her but I did use coconut milk as its hard to get fresh coconuts locally, but it tastes pretty close and the hubby approved.


  • eggplant about 4 little ones found in Indian stores, or a larger one cut into chunks
  • one drumstick if you have but not necessary
  • one tomato chopped
  • one green chili, cut in half
  • one big plantain chopped or 3 small green ones
  • one cup water
  • 3/4 can of coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoon unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • one red chili
  • a handful of fresh curry leaves - you can find these in the Indian store in the case of this recipe they are needed. 
  • a pinch of mustard seeds

  1. boil all the above vegetables in water for about 10-15 minutes until soft
  2. then grind the coconut paste, with the cumin and chili
  3. add to the vegetables with the coconut milk, slowly stirring on a low heat for 5 min
  4. heat a little canola oil and pop the mustard seeds with the curry leaves and add to curry
  5. enjoy with rice 

Here's me and Auntie 

This is her laying rice flour on the roof to dry with the kids, the coolest thing is she grew the rice and made the flour, this flour is used to make iddiapam. See below, almost like an Indian rice noodle, its eaten with curries or with coconut milk and sugar often for breakfast.

These banana flowers were also grown in the village and the flowers carefully picked to make a tasty stir fry with. 

The kids have been sick this week with a cough and cold, hopefully it will leave the house soon. 

Have a lovely start to the week everyone :-) 

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  1. Can I come to dinner please :-) Diane

  2. Thos banana flowers are so cool looking! I was actually just thinking about making some Indian food in the near future. It's great to warm you up when it's cold out! This looks great :)

  3. Those banana flowers are quite something else...eh? What a fantastic opportunity to share recipes with your extended family in India. Happy days :-)

    1. it really is a blessing you must love learning French recipes from your hubbys family

  4. What a beautiful post. I loved the fact that you bring rice into the equation. I love curry and rice. It doesn't look very hot (as in spicy( so I will definitely give it a try. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  5. What nice post dear rebecca I love it! and all, and the kids are so cut I love Jasmine and the little.:)
    Hope the kids feel better soon rebecca!
    This lady sounds amazing and beautiful!
    and love the coconut curry!

  6. I love such curries with coconut, it gives such a lovely flavor!

  7. What a beautiful dish. I love all these veggies in there especially the eggplant. The coconut nut flavor mush be rich and delicious along with the herbs.

  8. A curry that must taste wonderful! What a great combination of flavors and ingredients.



  9. This looks delicious but I'm not sure I could find the ingredients locally. Stir fried banana flowers...I would love to try it!

  10. Authentic food, love with rice and string hoppers, missing these foods.

  11. I have to admit that I never ate indian food, but this really looks so tempting!!

  12. Wow, so interesting...enjoyed the pictures as well.
    I love coconut milk when making curry dishes...
    Enjoy the rest of your week Rebecca :)

  13. what an amazing experience! This look delicious too, I love coconut curries

  14. This dish looks delicious! I love coconut milk so I know I would love this. I loved seeing the pictures of your Aunt drying the rice flour. It looks so neat!

  15. Seguro que este plato me iba a gustar ya que las berenjenas me encantan.
    Gracias por visitarme, un feliz día

  16. What a wonderful experience for both you and the kids to be with your husband's family in India and to be given this family recipe. Your auntie looks like a dear person!


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