Shitake and Pancetta Farro Risotto

I was reading recently about how wonderfully healthy farro its high in protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, selenium and, of course, fiber. It is a whole grain wheat and one of the first grains that was cultivated, it has even been found in Egyptian tombs. It became less popular over the ages as other strains of wheat were grown, but in recent years it has become popular again and is being grown in Italy. It has a starchy quality to it that lends itself well to being made into a risotto. It can also be cooked and added to salads, used as a yogurt topping or as a breakfast cereal. 

Shitake and Pancetta Farro Risotto


  • one cup of farro
  • 2 cups of vegetable stock
  • 4 slices of pancetta thinly sliced
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 3 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 cup of frozen peas
  • one cup of shitake sliced
  • water as needed so it doesn't stick

  1. add a little olive oil to a pan and saute the pancetta, shitake, onion and garlic for 3 minutes 
  2. add the wine and let it reduce
  3. then add the farro and peas stir and add a cup of vegetable stock let it simmer as it starts to dry out add more stock and keep stirring.
  4. Add water as needed and keep testing to see when its cooked takes about 30 min it will have a little bite to it 

It was a rainy day when I took this picture, but to me this was perfect, risotto is a great comfort food.

So who else has tried farro and how do you use it?

We planted lettuce and broad bean seeds yesterday if you read the post in honor of my dear Granddad it will make you smile, he was an amazing gardener and I really want to keep his memory alive by inspiring the kids to garden.

Have a great week everyone


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  1. Thanks for introducing me to farro, I haven't tried yet,looks delicious.

  2. Delicious recipe Rebecca! Love farro (I eat it often, sometimes daily). The pancetta adds a wonderful bite to this dish. Stay tuned, farro is on yumivore's menu too!

    1. thats very cool look forward to learning farro recipes from you

  3. Haven't had farro in quite a while, mostly because I don't think of it. Thanks for the reminder and a lovely idea.

  4. Risotta looks wholesome,inviting and delicious.

  5. You had me at pancetta.

  6. Absolutely love the flavors here. Crazy about mushrooms and your risotto looks just perfect!

  7. I've only had farro a couple times and I loved it. I loved its nuttiness. I didn't need to be sold on the healthiness of it . . . it just plain tastes good! Must try this risotta, though; most of what I've tried has been in salads.

    1. love that statement quite profound maybe we don't need to sell healthiness if it tastes good

  8. i've been trying healthy grains too as an alternative with my "rice" you know i'm such a heavy rice eater. I love quinoa so next search will be farro. thanks for sharing!
    oh btw, i love the pictures of your tots on FB. Everytime i look at them i say, oh the baby has grown, or oh i wish i still have my kids like Reb haha. Enjoy them while they are still so young!

    1. thanks Malou I am enjoying them so sweet when they are little

  9. I always forget about farro- thanks for the reminder! this looks great!

  10. Many thanks for the introduction to farro. I knew nothing about it.

    Greetings from London.

  11. I like farro but haven't had it in ages. Love the idea to use it in a risotto.

  12. Love farro! The risotto looks absolutely delicious, Rebecca.

  13. Farro sounds interesti.g I have to try! !
    Love you plant in memory of your grandad. One of my grand mom (the chilean grand mom) was an amazing gardener I never seen again the camelias she had at home; you know some persons are special:))

    1. oh would love to take a walk in her garden hugs

  14. We've just recently jumped on the farro bandwagon also. My most recent dish was very similar to yours.

  15. I have had farro several times and liked it. Your risotto sounds like it is delicious.


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