South Indian filter coffee

One of my favorite drinks in India is South Indian filter coffee its made with a little stainless steel filter and a coffee and chicory mix. Coffee is grown in a few places in India in fact last time we visited we visited a plantation in Coorg, its mostly Robusta that is grown that is then mixed with Arabica. Here's a link to a wonderful article about India's coffee industry in the Seattle Times . The filter makes a small amount of concentrated coffee like a shot and its added to hot milk and then poured from container to container like the guy above is doing. Its quite an art :) and it creates a great foam on the coffee. My hubby used to do this to coffee when we were dating I thought he was crazy until I went to India, now when we go I always order it. 

see the foam even minus an espresso machine :-)

the filter

me and my cousin having a coffee on the way back from the beach, this little place was by the side of the road and folks were stopping by enjoying coffee it reminded me of folks in Italy having their espresso :-), I would love to bring this to America one day. 

So who wants a cup? 

this is my sweet hubby making it for me :-)


  1. How interesting. Can't do this myself, but it's fun to see it.

  2. Stephen so happy you enjoyed the post ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. :-) you can get in indian stores in the US thats where i got mine

  4. That is one cool way to froth your coffee! Not sure I would let my husband loose in the kitchen to do this, lol, would have to send him into the garden I think!

  5. how fun! I would love to go to a place like that, coffee and a show :)

  6. This is certainly a fun way to have a coffee-)) I love your post very much. I vent to India a couple of times but I never had this experience-(( O well, next time-))

    1. Yelena thats neat that you have been to india ;-) and if you go back be sure to have one :-)

  7. The video is amazing. What a presentation and it must taste delicious.

  8. I have seen them do this on TV and wished I could try a cup. I bet it is delicious:)

  9. very nice experience I bet! I love this kind of coffee .they made similar ones in Malaysia called teh tarik (pulled tea)

  10. Enjoy the outdoor coffee idea - please bring to America :)

    1. he he maybe one day opening a business is scary :-)

  11. Where in India is your husband from? Do you bring back spices from India. I always bring back spices from where ever I go.

  12. look delicious I can smell the coffe Rebecca:)

  13. I had no idea there was a specialty Indian coffee-always so fun to learn new things. Would love to share a cup with you whenever we meet up again :-)

  14. Love to start my day with this filter coffee,makes me nostalgic.

  15. Wow! What a performance! I would spill it all over myself! :)

  16. It looks fantastic Rebecca. It's just after 9am here and I could use a cup! :)

  17. Hi Rebecca, I love filter coffee, my mom used to make it in exactly the same way but somehow I never got around to producing the same beautiful flavors. Somehow this post made me want to make a cup of filter coffee for myself :)


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