Teapot bird feeders

Today we made these simple, bird feeders you simple heat a packet of gelatin into 1/4 cup of water, mix with one cup of bird seeds add to cookie molds, with string. Add 1/2 add a looped piece of wool or string then add more. Allow to cool then hang on the tree's and wait for the birds, well probably the squirrels :-)

deciding where to hang them :-)

Who else loves watching the birds, and who is excited for spring :-) 


  1. Wow..this is interesting. I Just hang bird seeds into a hanging basket :-)

  2. I use those too :-) mainly I made these for a fun activity with J

  3. I've been wanting to hang a bird feeder at the new house!

  4. These are fantastic. If we hung these on our deck, our cat would go CRAZY when the birds came by. Have a wonderful day Rebecca.

    1. he he that would be kind of funny though have a good weekend too

  5. we are huge birders in our house, this is such a fun project to share with your little one :)

  6. I'm not much of a birdwatcher, but I can't wait for spring!

  7. Been reading up on making a bird garden at Yard Envy, and I'm definitely going to give these a try!

    1. thats cool and the good news is the birds are eating it

  8. We made these a few years ago and they were so much fun to do! Yours turned out looking great.


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