Sole Stuffed with Spinach and Arugula

I made this wonderful fish dish recently, you lightly saute spinach and arugula with garlic and onion and then roll sole around it and cook en papillote, its fun to make and looks really pretty. I plan to make another version today stuffing it with ratatouille:-)


  • one small bunch of chopped spinach
  • 3 cloves of chopped garlic
  • the juice of a small orange 
  • slices of an orange 
  • one handful of arugula 
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 8 slices of sole 
  • tooth picks to hold fish parcels together 
  • parchment paper to steam in oven 
  • 1/4 of a red onion chopped

  1. saute the onion, with garlic in olive oil for 3 minutes
  2. then add the spinach and arugula and let it reduce down. 
  3. keep this to one side 
  4. lay the sole down on parchment paper fill with about a tablespoon of the spinach mixture and gently roll using tooth picks to hold it together, top with a couple of slices of fresh orange, a little salt and pepper and a drizzle of orange juice, and olive oil, and wrap the parchment paper around it to form a little parcel, foil also works.
  5. bake at 450 F for 12-18 min until the fish is opaque remove the tooth picks and serve with rice, potatoes, quinoa or cous cous the choose is yours

We visited Pinehurst this weekend, I attended The North Carolina Dietetic Annual Meeting and Conference where I spoke on How to be a Global RD and embrace other folks cultures and cuisines effectively. It went well with great feedback. The resort was lovely and the area pretty with all the pine trees and historic buildings. The kids enjoyed hanging out with Grandma and Granddad there.

the wee man on Granddad Harley :-) he wasn't so sure :-)

Have a fun filled week everyone


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  1. This is a nice idea, especially for someone, like me, who loves arugula.

  2. Very nice meal Rebecca, your kids are cute.

  3. kids are adorable...the meal looks perfect with designed plate..

  4. Your family looks so happy :) I love the way you put all of these ingredients together, I'm not a big fish eater, but my husband would love this!

  5. I am dying for fish! This looks fantastic!

  6. Very nice way to enjoy a delicious meal using sole- healthy too.
    Glad the RD conference went well.


  7. Beautiful family Rebecca. Thank you for sharing with us. Fish looks delicious!

  8. have the cutest little ones!! (and I quite covet the paisley plate! That is lovely!) Have a great Tuesday Rebecca.

  9. such a gorgeous fish, this look excellent!

  10. That is a beautiful way to serve fish. So glad you are having a great visit with your parents.

  11. I love fish
    very nice, very tasty
    welcome to my site visit

  12. Your children are SO precious ;)
    I so enjoy what you do with fish. I made your fish cake recipe, my I'll-never-eat-fish daughter l o v e d it!

    1. thanks so much and thrilled your daughter liked the fish cakes

  13. I am loving the looks and tastes of this - will be doing i with tilapia - I think it will translate. Such sweetness with you and the kids.

    1. thanks and yep I think tilapia would also be great hugs

  14. Adding the orange to your stuffed flounder sounds terrific.

  15. Lovely fish dish Rebecca, and so nice you and the kids get to be hanging out with your parents. Have a wonderful time with them! xo

  16. My husband will love this fish since I have been cooking a lot of sole...looks delicious and healthy Rebecca.
    Beautiful pictures of the kids with your parents...hope you are having a great week :)

  17. very pretty and creative! healthy and fun! love arugula with fish. wish I had some right now!

  18. Hello! I stumbled upon your blog as I was exploring some of the blogs my own blog's readers follow, and I just loved this post. I'm always on the lookout for a new, healthy fish recipe to try, and I think my readers would really love it, too! I'd like to invite you to participate in my blog's link-up party to celebrate the end of National Nutrition Month - feel free to check it out and share one of the delicious, healthy recipes you've been enjoying this past month!

  19. hi Jess thanks for stopping by will link it up


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