Whipped Greek Yogurt and Honey

This is really a fun way to serve Greek yoghurt, it is quick and sometimes changes the texture of a food can make it into something fun and new. We love snacking on Greek yogurt in our house, with fresh fruit, granola, honey or added into smoothies its so good. No recipe is really needed simply whip the honey with a hand blender till airy and pour over honey. 

see below for snap shot into my brothers Scottish wedding for a flavor of how amazing it was, don't want to show faces and too much to respect their privacy and these days even I am sharing a little less of the kids, don't want them to be exposed too much online and ask me Mum why I am all over the internet as they get older. But will sneak them in here and there as they are my life and truly wonderful:-) 

A willow arch my Dad helped to make, they married in a big barn on a farm along the coast so pretty.

My brothers thistle made by my talented cousin 

the kids outfits :-)
There were lots of kilts even our wee guy wore one, and J was a flower girl. In this picture you can see my folks taking his picture.

me :-) 

I will leave you with the amazing sound of the bag pipes 

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  1. What an original wedding. We went to one also this past weekend..

  2. Omy I love the wedding, the kids outfits and the pipes sounds and the pictures are amazing and you look beauty!!

  3. So cute the kids outfit...such an amazing event Rebecca...thanks for sharing it.
    Have a great week ahead :D

  4. How pretty you look!
    The sound of the bag pipes just added a little something special to my morning, thanks :)

  5. Beautiful wedding, loved kid's outfits.

  6. How lovely! What a beautiful day and a beautiful venue for a wedding!!!

  7. I set yogurt at home regularly, but haven't tried eating with honey...I usually add sugar. Honey would be healthier, sure.

    The wedding location is so good!

  8. a sweet way to start the post with yogurt and honey, a favorite combination, and congratulations to your family on the wedding!

  9. Oh wow, the venue looks beautiful :)


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