Watermelon Lemonade

Here's another fun lemonade for summer, made with watermelon, the first recorded watermelon harvest occurred in Egypt more than 5000 years ago. So these beauties have a long history in fact a recipe for watermelon rind pickle was in an American cookbook in 1776. As its name implies its very high in water and a great source of Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It's also a pretty color, and did you know it also comes in yellow and white in fact over 200-300 varieties exist. Another fun fact is that early explorers would eat the flesh and use the rind to carry water. 


for two glasses

  • one cup of watermelon juice, you simple add to a blender 
  • juice of one lemon 
  • a little ice 

  1. squeeze the lemon
  2. add 1/2 the juice of a lemon to 1/2 a glass of watermelon juice 
  3. add ice and a little water and sugar if needed but the watermelon is more than likely sweet enough 

Finally here's a fun wee craft I made with Jasmine, you simple use chalk to color sea salt then layer them in the jar, it looks like a sandy sunset :-) 

Have a lovely weekend all 

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