Caramel Popcorn
I have recently started making Caramel popcorn and I had no idea how easy it is to make. The more I cook and read blogs, little by little I have become more confident in the kitchen and am learning items that we may traditionally buy at the store with a list of ingredients as long as our arm are super easy to make. This is a fun treat, but on a regular basis just make the popcorn with a sprinkle of spice or cinnamon and a touch of sugar. Popcorn is a whole grain and makes a fun snack, with endless flavor possibilities.
- 60g butter (1/2 stick)
- 100g sugar (1/2 cup)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt.
- 1/2 cup of popcorn
- a drop of oil
- heat a little oil, add a couple of kernels of corn and wait for them to pop
- then add the rest of the corn on a low heat and allow it all to pop
- meanwhile melt the butter
- add the salt and sugar and simmer on a low/medium heat after about 5-7 minutes it will change color to brown keep stirring and it will start to thicken and turn into caramel as if by magic
- pour this over the corn and allow to cool
- enjoy
- its also great drizzled on apples, I made this with the kids last week and they also topped with sprinkles
Fun fact popcorn is not regular corn it is a particular type of corn/ maize that will pop when heated there is evidence of it being eaten thousands of years ago in Peru, they even have a purple one.
What's your favorite popcorn flavor?

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