Bonfire Toffee
One of the things I miss most about the UK is Bonfire night on November the 5th it celebrates the foiled plot of Gawy Folkes and colleagues and their attempt to destroy the houses of parliment with gun powder. Towns and cities will host bonfires, where a big fire is lit in a field or park and dummies of Gawy falkes thrown on it. After there will be a big firework display. This toffee is one of the traditional treats that folks eat on bonfire night, its made with black treacle or molasses.
I only made a little mostly for the nostalgia and to share with the kids
- 100 g sugar 1/2 cup
- 2 tablespoon molasses
- 2 tablespoon golden syrup (can be found in some grocery stores in the baking section)
- one tablespoon butter
- melt the butter
- add the syrups and the sugar
- allow it to boil for about 10 minutes, test how done it is by dropping a little into cold water it should be hard
- add to a cookie sheet lined with baking paper
- allow to cool
- now the fun part, when cool break with a hammer, see the clip below ;-)
of course we had to play with the sparklers -
Hope you enjoyed a little bit of British food culture, have you ever attended a bonfire night?
The following pictures are from Phillip of @LoveBattersea1 a fun twitter account from a cool neighbourhood in London, this was a bonfire and firework display there ;-) this Saturday.

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