Roasted Broccoli and Blood Orange

I love roasting vegetables and often roast peppers to make a pesto but had never roasted broccoli, I have recently seen it mentioned on blogs along with cauliflower and figured it was time to try it. I had a blood orange one of the stars of the winter season, adore these oranges their slight tartness and color. The blood orange also known as Moro gets its lovely color from anthocyanins, known to be an antioxidant. They are the main orange grown in Sicily and need cold nights and warm days to develop the red color, they make a wonderful lemonade, fun in cocktails and brighten up a salad. 

Roasted Broccoli and Blood orange 


  • 3 minced garlic cloves
  • Olive oil, about a tablespoon 
  • one head of broccoli cut into florets
  • Sprinkle of Panko 
  • One blood orange sliced 
  • Salt and pepper (a sprinkle)

  1. heat the oven to 425, line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  2. cut the head of broccoli into florets 
  3. add all the ingredients to the parchment paper and bake for 10-15 minutes until the broccoli is slightly brown and tender
  4. enjoy as a fun side dish or even a packed lunch 

I could't resist a picture in the snow it really showed of the color :-) 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, I really enjoy the weekends now a little more sleep and no early morning rush to school J is only in Kindergarten and the home work is a lot it is magic to see her starting to read though :-)  and I simple adore her drawings and the pictures of our family with me the only one with blonde hair ;) 


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