Landmark Photo Series

The Opera House in Montecarlo 

This weeks #frifotos theme is landmarks and I couldn't resist a fun photo series of world landmarks, we have been blessed to have seen quite a few and here's to more travel adventures and landmarks to admire. What is your favorite landmark? 

The Blue Ridge mountains one of North Carolina's landmarks 

the tile on the roof of the Spice market in Istanbul 

Mysore palace, Mysore South India 

Sydney Opera House 

Pilot Mountain NC

A Roman Bath house in Bath England 

Windsor castle England, its been in use 2000 years!

a sunset over lake Garda one of Italy's iconic lakes 

Saint Thomas church a 13th century catholic church built by the Portuguese in Chennai South India 

A 1000 year old Slave church Oslo Norway 

A beautiful historic building in Ponce, Puerto Rico 

A La Jolla Sunset, pacific coast sunsets are one of California's landmarks to me 

Gulfoss waterfalls in Iceland

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