John Blue House

On our way down to the coast this weekend, we made a quick stop in Laurinburg North Carolina in Scotland county. It was here we spotted a sign for The John Blue House  a historic home built in 1891. It's a beautiful old home, with lovely grounds set in a pecan grove. It is open year round and makes a delightful spot for a picnic and stop off highway 74. The house was built as a family home after the civil war. The owner John Blue was a cotton farmer and blacksmith who invented useful tools for the cotton industry. You can see an old cotton press and other items on the land also some old cabins dating back to 1820. We stopped in the evening when the museum was closed but would love to return. Here are a few pictures to enjoy and if your ever driving this way be sure to take a look, and have a few moments swinging on the porch :-) 

one of the many doors with stained glass

enjoying one of the rocking chairs 

one the the pecan trees, America's native nut

in the back you can see the cotton press 

every home needs a veggie garden :-) 

an old grape vine 

across the street was an old train and rail tracks. I would assume to distribute the cotton

If you see a sign for a historic property do you take a detour to check it out? I will certainly be doing this more ;-) 



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