The Blue Ridge Parkway

The Blue Ridge Parkway is an American treasure spanning 469 miles through North Carolina and Virginia along the mountain tops with over 300 lookouts, historic buildings, hiking trails and amazing breath taking scenery. 

Construction was started in 1934 and completed in 1987 its carefully managed and repaired as needed and the parks such as Mount Mitchell State park managed by amazing staff. 

Its a long drive I would recommend to plan to enjoy sections of it at a time, take your time and enjoy the lookouts. Jump out along the way hike then stop at the various little towns just of the parkway and make a weekend trip or even longer. I have driven parts of the parkway many times living in North Carolina and it never gets old, it changes with each season and is magical.

This last weekend we joined the parkway at Boone NC stopped at the Moses Cone house, a lovely home built in the early 1900's by a texture tycoon who graciously gave the grounds and house to the park service. The old house is now a craft shop and boosts views over a lake and mountains, be sure to pack a picnic and enjoy the view. 

We then headed south and stopped in Little Switerzland a tiny village really with some nice Inns' such as the Alpine Inn this is a gem build in the 1920's and boosts very affordable million dollar views. The Inn keepers are lovely and the view at breakfast from the balcony is amazing. 

 Julian price park, this lake is breathtaking 

 Sunrise over the mountains 

The Moses Cone House 
Sun rising over the mountains 

The view at breakfast at the Alpine Inn :-) 

wildflowers along the trail, in June you will find mountain laurel and rhododendron, wild blackberries and apples can also be found later in summer 

Have you visited ? and if not what are you waiting for :-) 


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