The Isle of Skye
I have always wanted to visit the Misty Isle also known as Skye. Its a beautiful Island off the West Coast of Scotland.
World famous for its natural beauty, scenic drives and its unique weather system that can change at any time, just watch the clouds. We recently returned from a trip to the UK seeing family and spent a week in Scotland. My Parents, my brother and sister in law and new baby niece live in Scotland so we planned a trip to the west coast.
We rented a lovely cabin near the bridge you take over to Skye and visited a couple of times. The day we went to the mystical fairy pools it was sunny such a blessing on this Island not known for its good weather. These amazing waterfalls and crystal clear pools really captured my nearly 7 year old's imagination she is all about fairies. In fact when asked what she saw on her trip she mentions these magical pools.
Skye is a must visit it has a spirit about it that captures peoples heart from around the world. Its a big Island so allow a few days to explore, and keep a sense of wonder and imagination you never know who you might see or indeed meet.
These crystal clear pools are gorgeous and folks even swim and dive into them mostly in wet suits as even in summer they are so cold. One is deep and has an under water arch way you can swim through!
Hope you enjoyed this little tour and visit one day :-)

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