Prawn, Pea and Broccoli Risotto
A one pot meal we always enjoy is risotto and its a great store cupboard meal, if you have frozen prawns, peas, arborio rice and stock on hand its easy to whip up
- one cup of cooked prawns / or tiny little shrimp
- one head of broccoli finely chopped
- two cups of vegetable stock
- 4 cloves of garlic chopped
- 1/2 red onion chopped
- 1/4 cup of white wine
- 2 cups of water
- one cup of Arborio Rice
- one cup frozen peas
- a little butter
- saute the onion and garlic in olive oil for about 5 minutes, add the wine and allow it to reduce
- then add the broccoli, a little butter and peas
- add rice along with the vegetable stock and stir, keep stirring the rice as the stock evaporates then add water, until it is cooked it will be soft with a little bite to it. This will take about 30-40 minutes
- add grated Parmesan to the top and enjoy
If you read my last post about the floods in Chennai my hubby's hometown you will know that the city encountered terrible rains and flooding my dear in laws were flooded to the first floor and were without power for 4 days please consider a donation to help get those affected get back on their feet.
Stay tuned I have some cool news to share soon, about a very big and exciting career change and new business venture :-)

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