Season One - Ladybird Farm
I thought I would do a little blog post, with a update on ladybird farm , we bought a property in Yadkin county NC a few months ago and plan over the coming years to slowly grow vegetables to sell. We paid a couple of guys one a farmer to build raised beds, in a closed area to protect from hungry wildlife and add a compost bin and rain barrels, about a fortnight ago we started planting we haven't yet harvested but are excited to share the journey as we go.
The raised beds being built
Fruit trees coming out of dormancy the blossoms have been beautiful
Wee man helping me water one morning.
Spinach and Mitzuna
Cherry Blossoms
We added a hammock between the pear trees.
Tilling for the very first time! we just added a few potatoes in the ground yesterday, each year I will slowly expand.
Peas growing, one of my friends gave me this sign. We even had friends and their kids over for an Easter Egg hunt was so fun to really show them the place:-) it may become an annual tradition.
My sweet girl taking notes :)
Stay tuned for more updates and feel free to follow the facebook page and on twitter,
Happy Spring
Much Love

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