Spicy Roasted Cauliflower

 I have seen roasted cauliflower a lot on the internet recently and like all roasted vegetables, roasting unlocks some wonderful flavors. I make a marinade with Indian spices, roast and serve as a side dish. 
I did my first farmers market a couple of weeks ago in Yadkinville NC all in all a good experience. It wasn't very busy on opening day and in truth I sold very little but its a start. It again showed me how hard farming is not only in working in the field to grow the vegetables but also finding a market for them and being able to sell them.


  • one small cauliflower sliced
  • 1/4 cup of canola oil
  • 1 teaspoon of masala power
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cumin powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon coriander powder
  • salt to taste 
  • freshly chopped cilantro to garnish/ season 

  1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees
  2. slice the cauliflower
  3. combine the oil with the spices and drizzle on the cauliflower
  4. roast for 10-15 minutes each side until soft and a little charred
  5. remove from the oven and garnish with cilantro.

Mixed greens I picked at the farm :-) 
 The wee man finding sugar snap peas :-) all the gardening and farming is so worth it for the kids to cherish food and savor it. 

One rainy Saturday I invited the community for a pick your own day at the farm only one family came but that was still cool :-) look how big my girl is now, I started this blog when she was a baby.
 I confess I don't post as much as before as busy in farming but always fun to pop back share a recipe and share tidbits from my life.

Much love

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