Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

I just adore hummus and wonder why I don't make it more, there's a great local restaurant near Tanglewood park called Tanglewood Pizza Co. that make a great red pepper hummus this is inspired by theirs. Its easy to make and is great as a light snack or with other Middle Eastern foods, the day I made this I also made tabouleh and grilled vegetables. 


  • one can of chick peas
  • 2 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1 red pepper sliced 
  • a dash of balsamic vinegar
  • a pinch of sesame seeds (tahini would be best but I didn't have any)
  • a dash of olive oil
  • a little lemon juice 
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. heat the oven to 400 
  2. slice the red pepper and add to a baking tray with the garlic a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar, the garlic and a little salt and pepper, roast for 10-15 minutes until slightly charred.
  3. add a can of chick peas to a blender with the roasted red pepper, a little lemon juice, more oil, sesame seeds and water as needed to get desired consistency,
  4. enjoy 

 The farm continues to grow, I am not producing a great deal but am at peace with that want to slowly grow and mostly feed my family the first year. My kind neighbor a farmer tilled another area for me and we planted corn, sunflowers and pumpkins really hoping it establishes and we can have a pumpkin patch in the fall.

A lovely sunset recently I just adore them, the kids are off for the summer so busy with them and we have some travel coming up, stay connected on social media I will share the journey :-) '


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