Tarpon Springs, Florida
Next time you visit the gulf coast of Florida make a little trip to Tarpon Springs its about 30 min north of Clearwater and its fascinating. In the late 1800's folks from Greece settled here to dive for sponges and you can still buy them today it also has one of the largest Greek populations in America.
Its a tiny place and as you drive into the downtown area you wonder if you have come to the right place as its so sleepy and almost run down. But once you get to the main street you will find Greek restaurants, gift shops and have a feel of being in Greece listening to Greek being spoken and the fishing boats. Almost like stepping back in time.
Sponges on one of the local boats.
Lovely Sunset.
Being right on the gulf coast local seafood is fresh and tasty and the bakeries are great.
My hubby ordered the octopus I admit I have seen him eat this many times and finally had the guts to try it, it was so good.
I had Moussaka, I also got some Easter bread that was an awesome breakfast snack after an early morning flight home.
Have you ever visited this area?

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