Sausage and Chickpea Stew

I have been making versions of this stew for a few years now, its easy to make and any sausages work, each one adds its own twist to it, this was a garlic sausage. I have also used cannelloni beans and any in season vegetables. 


  • one pack of sausages sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic chopped 
  • 2 carrots diced
  • one small red onion chopped 
  • one stick of celery diced
  • one zucchini chopped
  • one squash chopped
  • one can of chickpeas
  • one can of tomatoes or 4 fresh tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato puree 
  • a handful of spinach chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1/2 teaspoon Italian herbs
  1. heat a little olive oil and add one small red onion and garlic, sauté for about 5 minutes 
  2. then add the zucchini, spinach, carrots and squash and cook for about 10 minutes until soft, add the herbs, salt and pepper, add the can of tomatoes and a little extra water to get enough sauce, mix in tomato pureed and turn down to a simmer for about 15 minutes 
  3. serve with polenta, pasta, quinoa or cous cous 

This is such a great dish to add into your rotation, let me know what you think. 

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  1. I love a good stew and sausages. So this is a winner for me.

  2. This looks yummy! Thanks. :-)

    Greetings from London.


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